Sunday, October 8, 2023

Lincoln Rock State Park

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry I have neglected you for so long. Now that my traveling days are over, at least in my RV, it seems I have fallen silent. But the world holds so much beauty and excitement just here in my beautiful valley. I will try to capture some of that!

It is now two years since I left the Missoula Montana area. While there I learned a lot about the great Missoula Flood eons ago and saw much of the evidence for it's happening. Now back in the Wenatchee Valley I saw this sign telling me about the Missoula Flood! It seems the great flood is responsible for much of what I am seeing today, 366 miles from where it began. This view is looking north up the Columbia River at the boat launch on Lake Entiat.

Hopefully you can read this sign telling about the Missoula Flood. Wenatchee is up in the top center of the circle right on the edge of the northern most part of the flood.

To see Lincoln Rock you sort of need to know how to look for it. Lincoln's profile can be seen on the edge of the large rock formation in the center of the picture. This is best angle I could find. Lincoln is looking upriver to the north. The park has a large and quite lovely area for camping right on the river for both RVs and tents. As I walked through I reminisced about my husband's and my many years working in RV parks and even talked with a couple of campers who were walking their large and fluffy German Shepard.

I am fond of looking for and photographing large and beautiful trees that I find when out walking or driving. This one struck me because it had bark around the bottom part but changed to naked branches higher up. It was a lovely rust color. So...opening up my plant identifier I discovered this tree is a sycamore! I was excited, because I haven't seen a sycamore since our time in New Mexico about 15 years ago. The leaves are much like large maple leaves. 

While I had my plant identifier open I snapped these pretty mushrooms. They have only a scientific name, Paxillaceae, and are considered dangerous to eat. Not that I had planned to snack on them! 
Finally, after my walk I sat on bench under the brilliant yellow fall branches above me and watched these folks launching their boats. At first I thought, "why does someone need a boat that big and fancy?", and then I thought "It's no different from we RVers with our big rigs!"

As I headed home I chanced upon a busy fruit stand and had to stop to see their offerings. They still had peaches! So down the road I went satisfied with my day at Lincoln Rock Park and pleased to still find my favorite orchard fruit!

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