Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Round About Missoula

 One week has passed since we arrived in Missoula and got our 5th wheel all set up and ready for the summer season. Mr. Keith and I have gone for a couple of drives, remembering where we liked to go when we were last here working at the KOA three years ago.

A favorite drive is up on the hill overlooking the city. This scene looks down on the University area, the reddish buildings to the right. As you can see, the hills are still snowy, and the trees are not quite filled out with their summer lushness. It is a beautiful sight!

Overlooking the valley is Lolo Peak, bright with its winter snow. We can see the peak out our living room window from our spot at the KOA.

Driving from the hill down towards the University of Montana we are always awed by the old city streets lined with trees. In another month each street will seem like a tunnel as the leaves come into their fullness, bending the branches into a canopy. Up ahead is one of many "round abouts", giving me the title for this blog post.

The Garden City is well known for the "M" up on the hill above the University of Montana campus. We actually climbed up there last time we were here! On most spring, summer and fall days hikers can be seen slogging up the zig zag trail. Some are plodding along, as we did, and others can be seen almost running up the gravel trail. I know one gal who does it every day just to stay in shape!

This "M" can be seen from quite a way off as one drives along I-90 heading east. As we approach the city and see the "M" we say, "Ah, at last, we're there!" It was fun to see that Bozeman also has an "M" on the hillside above town. It stands for the Montana State University. The trail up to that "M", however, is much steeper and more difficult to climb. We did not attempt that one last summer when we worked at the KOA there!

A quick shot of the entrance to the University. One day I will plan to get pictures of the stately and beautiful buildings on campus. We have many places to go and sights to see now that we are back in this lovely part of Montana!

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