Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Brothers! And Portland!

 We knew that when we accepted a job at the Portland/Fairview RV Park we'd be near some relatives and some old friends. Mr. Keith's brother Ron and his wife Carrie live in Alaska, but their daughter and family live in the Portland area. Since Ron's son works for Alaska Airlines, Ron and wife can fly for free anytime they want to, so...they frequently come to Portland. The whole tribe came over the other night and the brothers had a happy reunion. I've enjoyed watching them together over the years. When Keith and I married 18 years ago, Keith and Ron (Ron is the big brother) had not seen each other for 30 years. I nagged about a phone call till Keith did it, and since then the brothers have seen each other several times. It is always a joyous occasion! This night the family brought in dinner, since I was on duty, and we all had a great time eating and visiting. We will get to do that again!

 On a different note — Keith's maintenance pill for his cancer, though keeping the disease at bay, can also cause white blood counts and red blood counts to go below where they should be. Sometimes he needs a boost to get him back to normal, so his doctor scheduled a blood transfusion at the Portland Good Samaritan Hospital, on a Sunday. While I waited during the 5 hour process I walked around a little, looking for photo opportunities. The entire complex is tall, red brick, lots of glass, and is located between narrow streets in Old Town. It is very beautiful. I was especially intrigued (in-tree-ged!) by the vine and Japanese maples planted lovingly between the buildings, with benches here and there for resting and meditating. Most of the trees were changing color and offered a lovely respite from the waiting time.

Another view from the sidewalk. The hospital and other medical offices are constructed mostly of glass windows, so each one reflected the buildings across the street. I thought it was all very beautiful. I did enjoy my exploration, while Mr. Keith was plugged in and napping. He finished his session feeling much more energized, and we drove home, not by the freeways, but through the downtown, and decided we would return soon and really explore this lovely city on the Willamette River. I can already see that there will be much fodder for my blog!

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