Friday, June 21, 2013

The Hyalite Basin

 Keith and I didn't want a long trip today so we chose the Hyalite Reservoir Road south of Bozeman. I never tire of the view as we're driving into Bozeman. That is the Bridger Range in the distance, to the east of town, gorgeous in any weather.

 We found the road leading up into the Gallatin Range just south of town. The wildflowers are out in profusion. These, growing along Hyalite Creek, are Richardson's Geraniums.

 This is the Hyalite Reservoir with Hyalite Peak in the distance. I think the actual peak, over 10,000 feet, is that little pointy one, snow covered, in the right of the photo, though I may be wrong about that. This area reminded us a bit of Glacier Park. There are camping sites and hiking trails all over the area and along the lake. The campers we saw are really roughing it, with no electricity!

 And here is the trailhead for the climb up Hyalite Peak. There were several cars in the parking lot, so it must be a popular climb for some hardy souls.

 I had never seen this flower before. It is a wild clematis, better known as the Western Blue Virgin's Bower! I wonder how someone came up with that name! It is a beautiful and delicate climbing vine.

Here is another one, also new to me, a Cutleaf Anemone. My research tells me it is uncommon, so it was a real treasure for me to find it as we drove along the road. I had purchased an App for my iPad featuring the wildflowers of Yellowstone, so I expect to do a lot more identifying as we make our sightseeing trips out and about.

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