Saturday, November 10, 2012

Seeing Beauty Everywhere

 My job at the Lost Lake RV Resort takes me on about a 2 mile circle riding my little golf cart from building to building. I check everything and clean what needs cleaning. At this time of year there are leaves and more leaves to sweep up, not to mention millions of fir needles coating the walks, steps, porches, etc. On this day I ran out of things to clean till I passed by the little playhouse on my route. I thought to myself, "Surely that needs sweeping". It did, and I enjoyed "playing house" for a few minutes.

 While down at the lake checking the clubhouse and the library I spied these two happy fishermen admiring their catch. They were glad to pose for a picture. The man on the right is Harvey, our fellow workamper, and on the left his proud son, showing off his rainbow trout.

 Driving around the far edge of the resort property I was lucky to catch a rare glimpse of Mt. Rainier on this sunny autumn day. Usually in fall and winter the elusive, mysterious mountain is hiding behind clouds. When the clouds and fog do depart, the sight of this glorious mountain is awe inspiring. It  reminds me that though I may not see God I always know He is there and He will reveal Himself in special ways when I need Him most.

 Putt-putting on down Fir Lane I happened upon this sharp and shiny restoration of a 1939 Chevy owned by one of the resort residents. He usually keeps the car covered, so I was happy to get to see it unveiled. Wouldn't want fir needles and leaves coating this car!

 All life is precious and beautiful, no matter how small. Coming up the walk to one of the resort restrooms I became fascinated with this tiny snail as he made his way across the pavement. Many times I've seen tiny empty shells, which look like seashells, but I think this was the first time I had seen an inhabited "house" with its tiny creature moving it along, antennas waving. I placed a leaf next to him, watched him creep onto it, and put him safely on the forest floor out of the reach of giant's feet.

 Growth of green stuff is rampant in the wet, rich and dark soil of the old forest. After our recent rains, myriads of seeds are sprouting, though they may die off again with the coming frosts. I found tiny seedlings growing in a minute amount of soil on this rock. Where there's a will, there's a way!

 I remember as a child finding little ferns growing in the abundant, thick moss on the forest trees. Someone told me they were licorice ferns and showed me how to dig into the soft moss, pulling the ferns out by the roots. Biting into these roots does definitely produce a licorice-like flavor. The road here is the exit above the lake, seen as a patch of blue in the photo. It seems that there are more trees in this area covered with beautiful moss than in some of the other parts of the park, and I've noticed that the moss prefers the alders, maples and oaks, while the firs, hemlocks and cedars have very little.

At the end of my working day, heading up the hill from Lost Lake in my trusty little golf cart,  I am thrilled and impressed once again with the beauty I see everywhere; rich green Douglas firs and cedars, alders reaching to the sky, maples raining down huge leaves covering the road, the sword ferns, and everything else in their path. I am so fortunate to be here. The forest brings peace and healing to my weary soul, along with joy, gratitude and clarity in my prayers! One can hear the voice of God here!

1 comment:

  1. It looks to me that you've ended up at a beautiful place. Blessings on you and your work there!
