Saturday, August 20, 2011

Baker City to Pocatello

Well, I'm a little embarrassed to say I only took one photo today, a shot from my moving car, to capture this amazing edifice out in the middle of nowhere. I think it was somewhere below Baker City OR and before Ontario ID. We passed through so many long miles of similar scenery that I don't remember where we were when I took this picture. It is a huge cement plant, the sign said. Actually, it just said Cement Plant. I added the 'huge'. And there goes Mr. Keith and the 5th wheel down the road in front of me. (Click to enlarge the photo.)

We traveled 368 miles today, much farther than we like. We won't do that again. There was road construction everywhere along I-84, and lots of traffic around Nampa, Boise, Twin Falls. We had one close call. Mr. Keith was listening to the radio when a preacher came on whose name was Keith Wilson! He became so engrossed in the sermon that he missed a sign saying 'right lane closed' and nearly crashed into the big orange barrels put out for road construction barriers. I was hollering on the walkie-talkie and he swerved just in time. It's kind of scary watching a big 5th wheel swerve, believe me! But, God was with us and we were fine. Oh, yes. Keith turned off the radio.

The prettiest place we passed through was around  Glenn's Ferry ID. There are 3 islands out in the Snake River which the Oregon Trail pioneers used for their crossing. It was called, obviously, the Three Island Crossing. They would go from one to the other, making their dangerous trip across the river much easier. We couldn't see anything from the highway, and we couldn't stop with our trailer, but it was one place I'd really have liked to see. We also passed a sign pointing to Massacre Rock State Park, intriguing, but I couldn't find anything on the internet saying why it was called that. It was a resting place for the pioneers.

The KOA here in Pocatello is pretty and quiet. They only had a 30 amp site for us, but we're doing okay with that. They served up delicious soft ice cream cones to these 2 weary travelers, and we may try their breakfast in the morning. Since we are traveling to work at a KOA we received vouchers for 3 free nights at KOAs on our journey. That's a nice perk! Our next 2 nights will be at Rock Springs WY and Cheyenne WY, then on to the Denver East/Strasburg KOA where we'll spend the next few months.

Tomorrow I'll try to get more photos along the way and in the town of Rock Springs.

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