Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Higgins Point on Lake Coeur d'Alene

 We've always been intrigued by this statue along I-90 about 6 or 7 miles east of Coeur d'Alene. We go by it on our way to and fro and thought it might be a statue of some historical figure. The Idaho part of the Centennial Trail, where this statue is located, stretches from the Idaho-Washington border, along the Spokane River, through Coeur d'Alene, and ends at Higgins Point. When we began the walk along the trail we discovered this golden photographer is no one in particular — he represents the thousands of people who flock to this area in early winter to witness the visit of the bald eagles as they migrate south. Unfortunately we will not still be here when that happens.

 Which way to go? The main part of the trail is paved, but we decided to take the road less traveled, hoping we'd see more forest and get some good views of the lake.

 True to our expectations, we did see lots of wildflowers on our forest trail. I always love to see these delicate, beautiful wild roses.

 Beyond the crest of the trail, we looked east along Wolf Lodge Bay. Our campground is located just at the very end of the bay, which is, in fact, the very end of the northeastern part of the lake. That's I-90 to the left.

I liked this big pine tree with its roots stretching out towards the lake, which a short time ago was quite a bit higher, probably covering these roots. The lake has dropped about 5 feet in the last couple of weeks.

 True to our desire to take the less traveled trails, we found ourselves climbing this steep incline, which felt like it was almost straight up. It was not too easy on these arthritic legs, but I made it, with Mr. Keith's help. The view was wonderful, and the wildflowers abundant.

 It took me awhile, but I finally identified this beauty. It is the Sego Lily. We wouldn't have seen these if we'd stayed on the main trail!

Here's one last look at gorgeous Lake Coeur d'Alene, looking west. The sailboat completed the fabulous view, seen from near the golden gentleman photographer in the first photo. We'll return here another day! 


  1. Nice post and beautiful photos. Looks like you had a good day.

  2. Wow, beautiful scenery! You did very well capturing the “look” in your photos. I like the photographer guy, nice of him to pose for you.

