Thursday, June 25, 2009


Our faithful RV kitty, Poquita, went to cat heaven the other day. We miss her—waiting at the door at the sound of our footsteps, looking at us for a helping of chow, always wanting to jump up on Keith's warm lap sometimes even before he settled into his chair. She preferred a black and white quilt for snuggling, somehow seeming to know she matched it.

Poquita led a good life in a regular stick house till we set out on our RVing adventures. She turned into a good RV kitty, not trying to dash out the door, always staying nearby when she could go outside. She loved cheese Pringles, a treat my daughter got her used to when she was a tiny kitten, rescued from abandonment. There is a big hole left by the presence of a loved cat, a feeling of absence on the bed at night when we were used to her sleeping next to us, an ache to think of her sitting on the table watching us eat. There is no longer a furry friend we can reach out to pet. Thanks, Poquita, for your years of friendship—thanks for traveling nearly 9000 miles back and forth across the country with us!

An Unbelievable Cottonwood!

Montana landscapes are amazing. I can fully understand the phrase "big sky country". This photo is near Hamilton, about 50 miles south of Missoula.

We visited the Daly Mansion, built in 1910. This was the summer home of the widow of Marcus Daly, copper magnate. It's right outside of Hamilton, a lovely town of about 4100 people.

This is what the widow saw from the back porch of her mansion. There is a vast lawn with a view of Hamilton in the distance, framed by the Bitterroot Mountain range.

Even more than the beautiful home, we were amazed by the biggest cottonwood tree we'd ever seen, and we've seen plenty of huge ones, especially in Rapid City and in Missoula. This one is colossal, probably there hundreds of years before the mansion was built and when the Nez Perce Indians roamed the Bitterroot valley.

A further view of the giant tree with the mansion in the background.

And another, with Keith standing in its shadow. We enjoy seeing and exploring the towns, buildings, etc. of man, but God's creations are much more wondrous to behold!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Every once in a while something happens that warms the heart and even brings tears of joy! This happened to my husband the other day. He'd been talking with 2 young girls who were camping at the KOA, ages 12 and 9, and plying them with kindness and KOA mints. They kept returning often to the store just to see him and talk with him. They made us miss our own granddaughters, close in age to these girls.

At one point he saw them sitting on a bench with pencil and paper and the next thing he knew they had given him these notes with hand-made envelopes.

This note is from the younger of the two girls, a praise for Keith and a praise for KOA!
(click to enlarge)

And the note from the 12 year old! How neat is that! He did truly have tears, and he has showed the notes to several people, who have been equally blessed.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

On our days off...

There is an extensive walking and biking trail system around Missoula, part of it right through the city along the Clark Fork River. This bridge is a walking bridge near the University, probably at one time a railroad bridge. The river is quite high and very muddy, not yet as high as it will be in a week or so, we're told.

We came across a pretty little garden tucked away along the trail with benches and signposts identifying the various plants.

Another hike took us up the Rattlesnake Creek valley. One footbridge was washed out so we waded across, shoes and all. Brrr...cold water, but so refreshing.

There are some montrous trees in this area. This one is a leaning ponderosa pine. Looks like I'm trying to hold it up!

The wild rose is always a favorite, so delicate and so fragrant.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Montana Landscape

We were out just meandering down the Bitteroot Valley the other day, always looking for "eye candy". That's not difficult to find in this beautiful state! I took this photo on a back road near Lolo. It was a warm day, but it looked like a storm up in the mountains. The tops of the hills are still wearing their snow-caps.